Meaning ‘Sudan Witness’ in Arabic, the شاهد السودان Telegram channel shares Sudan Witness’ research findings on the current conflict in Sudan to Sudanese and other Arabic-speaking audiences. Given that the vast majority of internet traffic in Sudan is via mobile phone, we were keen to share our findings on a mobile phone-friendly platform to ensure maximum accessibility within Sudan.
CIR started the Sudan Witness project in response to the outbreak of armed conflict in Sudan in April 2023, and actively monitors, documents, and verifies human rights interferences and conflict dynamics. Sudan Witness publishes its findings relating to the conflict in English on the CIR X account, and posts more detailed reports on our website. From now on, Sudan Witness will also share its content in Arabic to the ‘شاهد السودان ’ Telegram channel and on the website.
The objective of the Telegram channel is to share verified, trustworthy open-source information about the conflict in Sudan to Sudanese and other Arabic-speaking audiences. The channel is open for all Telegram users to view and join. As a member of the channel, you can expect to receive posts regarding Sudan Witness’ analysis, and reports shedding light on conflict developments in Sudan.