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  • Writer's pictureSudan Witness

RSF advancements in El Fasher, North Darfur

Content warning: this document contains descriptions of and links to footage of extreme violence.


On 21 September, a pro-RSF X account posted a video showing RSF soldiers at a

house located west of the advanced eastern defensive positions of the 6th Infantry Division Headquarter in El Fasher. This was the first time since June 2024 that CIR observed significant changes in the defensive positions, as mapped by the Yale Humanitarian Research Lab (figure 1).

Other footage shows RSF fighters in what appear to be a religious facility and

civilian properties, which they claimed were used by SAF and its affiliates for

military purposes, saying they found weapons, ammunition boxes, and camping

setup inside the multi-store buildings. CIR could not confirm the validity of the

RSF’s claims.

On 23 September, a pro-RSF Telegram channel posted a video showing the RSF

clearing the defensive position north of the Timanat Cemetery, approximately 800

metres northeast from the Southern Hospital, using a heavy loader. The video was

verified by CIR. Analysis of satellite imagery indicates that the defensive position

was likely cleared between 19 and 23 September.

graphic showing verified presences of RSF in El Fasher
Figure 1: Map shows the verified RSF presences in El Fasher, from 19 to 23 September 2024, Sources: Google Earth, Yale Humanitarian Research Lab, Telegram and X.


On 23 September, Darfur24 reported that 27 died following three executive days of RSF shelling starting Thursday evening. The media outlet also reported that the shelling hit Hajar Gaddo market (قدو حجر سوق (located 500 meters east the SAF base, and Birinjiya neighbourhood (برنجية حي (on 21 September, north to the El Fasher Southern Hospital. CIR could not yet identify any damage to infrastructure in these areas. Lastly, more than 150 families have reportedly arrived at Zamzam camp for Internally Displaced Persons since the RSF took over the Southern Hospital. 


The 6th Infantry Division Headquarter in El Fasher is the last stronghold of SAF in Darfur. The RSF besieged the city since April 2024, after they took control of Melit to the north.

If RSF-affiliated Arab militia take control over the city, which is home to the Darfur Region Government HQ, there will be a heightened risk of atrocities against the Zaghawa tribe, similar to those reported by Human Rights Watch against Masalit before and during RSF’s attack on El Geneina, West Darfur, in June 2023. 

Sudan Witness continues to monitor the situation. 



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