Yangon Detention Mar 15 Mass detentions at the Kan Thar Yar Strike Mass detentions following the February 2021 coup (report series)
Detention Yangon Mar 14 Mass night arrests in Lanmadaw Mass detentions following the February 2021 coup (report series)
Detention Beating Mandalay Police Civilians Yangon Mar 7 Individuals repeatedly beaten by police and military in Yangon and Mandalay Police and Military Harassment and Mistreatment of Individuals following the Coup
Yangon Police Mar 2 Medical workers harassed by riot police in Yangon Police and Military Harassment and Mistreatment of Individuals following the Coup
Detention Yangon Police Feb 28 Mass arrests at the White Coats Protest Mass detentions following the February 2021 coup
Yangon Civilians Jul 25 Violence against protestors in North Okkalapa A series of violent incidents involving protestors, medical and charitable workers, and security forces in North Okkalapa on 3 March 2021.