Eyes on Russia

In January 2022, CIR launched the Eyes on Russia project to collect and verify videos, photos, satellite imagery and other media related to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Our objective was to provide journalists, NGOs, policymakers and the public access to verified, trustworthy information.


How OSINT shaped reporting on the war in Ukraine

The war in maps: Open source data reveals scale of damage to Ukraine’s schools and critical infrastructure

Glide Bombs – How Russia attacks Ukraine using old bombs in a new way

Latest Reports

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Russia escalates drone-dropped munitions use in Kherson, Ukraine

Devastation in Avdiivka: Mapping damage to civilian infrastructure since the full-scale invasion

Kherson after occupation: Mapping Russian attacks on medical infrastructure

One year on from the discovery of mass graves in Izium, we identify the “enablers” of torture

Latest Articles

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How OSINT shaped reporting on the war in Ukraine

The war in maps: Open source data reveals scale of damage to Ukraine’s schools and critical infrastructure

Videos show alleged Ukrainian prisoners of war executed by Russian soldiers

‘Human safari’: The chilling escalation of Russia’s drone warfare in Kherson

Timeline of the full-scale invasion

This timeline outlines a number of important events which have taken place in the lead up to, and since, the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine on the 24 February 2022; however, it is by no means exhaustive.

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In the Press

Ukraine Representative Office

CIR has a representative office in Ukraine. To get in touch, please contact [email protected].

Центр Інформаційної Стійкості має представництво в Україні. Звʼязатися з нами можна за адресою: [email protected].

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