Documenting demolitions: the Taliban’s land clearance campaign and its impact on marginalised communities
Since assuming power in August 2021, the Taliban have initiated a number of infrastructure projects in Kabul. But forced evictions and demolitions have seen ethnic minorities and vulnerable communities bear the brunt.
Rising reports of femicide: new digital map documents cases of violence and repression of Afghan women in ‘public’ roles
Female-led newsroom Zan Times used investigative reporting and open source techniques to document killings, disappearances and arrests of Afghan women.
Afghan media outlet Etilaatroz launch fact-checking unit as a result of Afghan Witness partnership
CIR is delighted to announce the launch of a new fact-checking unit by Afghan media outlet, Etilaatroz. The unit, named ‘Sanjah’ – a Dari/Farsi word meaning to measure, check or verify – has been supported by CIR’s Afghan Witness (AW) project.
Arrests for violating Taliban Hijab rules cause controversy
The Taliban’s reported detentions for non-compliance with hijab rules have received mixed reactions: contradictory claims from Taliban officials, concern from local groups, and condemnation from international community.
Male protests 2023: Driven by scarcity, restricted by risk
2023 saw Afghan men engaging in protests driven predominantly by economic concerns, but also in solidarity with women and minorities, risking their personal safety and financial security.
Taliban response to Pakistan expulsion of refugees: support announced, but poor conditions reported
The Taliban announced comprehensive support for refugees returning from Afghanistan, but reports of poor conditions have emerged from the camps set up.
'Violence behind a screen': Event Recap
Afghan Witness reflects on some of the key takeaways of the project’s event on 21 November 2023 with Shaharzad Akbar, Francesca Gentile and Nina Jankowicz. How has online abuse affected Afghan women and what can be done about it?
Afghanistan’s madrasa system under the Taliban
The country’s education system has changed significantly since August 2021. The Taliban have implemented major restrictions on female education, and have pledged to open more madrasas nationwide.